Marvel Triple Action 1972 #19 - back issue - $10.00

$10.00 USD
by Marvel
Type: Back Issues

Ad for free booklet to enroll in job correspondence courses.

On-sale date from Comic Reader (Street Enterprises, 1973 series) #105, April 1974. The previous recorded on-sale date of 1974-03-21, is the same as the date found in the 1974 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress. After April 1969 Marvel's reporting to Copyright Office is erroneous by about 28 days.

  • The Insult That Made a Man Out of "Mac" - Inside front cover.
  • - Ad for different gag gifts. Between page 3 and 4 of the previous story.
  • Manage in the Majors With Strat-O-Matic Baseball - Ad for a Baseball Game. Between page 3 and 4 of the previous story.
  • Look, Fellows! - Ad for sales people for Grit newspaper. Between page 5 and 6 of the previous story.
  • Karate - Ad for self-defense system. Between page 5 and 6 of the previous story.
  • Ads - Ads for Penny Fisher, Ace Publishing, Centuri Engineering, Karate Knuckles, Rock T-Shirts, North American School of Motorcycle Repair, Engravaplates, Geronimo Post, Passaic Book Center, and Elton's (Hypnotize with any TV set!). Between page 7 and 8 of the previous story.
  • These 3 Big Drafting Kits Given to You! - Ad for mail-order Drafting School. Between page 7 and 8 of the previous story.
  • Of Mix-Ups, Monsters, and Matrimony! [August 1974]; Mighty Marvel Mini-Checklist - Stan Lee talks about the new "The Origin of Marvel Comics" book and some of its contents. He also thanks Worcester Polytech University for the rollicking reception they gave him. Items about how they are discontinuing the 35 cent and 60 cent comics and replacing them with 68 page 50 cent comics with feature-length 30 page stories (starting with Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 (co-starring Dracula), Giant-Size Defenders #1 and Giant-Size Avengers #1), a promo for Deathlok, the Demolisher conceived and drawn by Rich Buckler and scripted by Doug Moench starring in Astonishing Tales #25, 1974 is the Marvel Age of Comics-Phase two!, for the first time in many moons they are not debuting any new comics this month (except for new Giant-Size comics and the Deathlok premiere in Astonishing Tales) but they are just slowing down to catch their breath, Murray Friedman (Assistant Production Manager) married Adrienne, Gerry Conway married Carla Joseph (Roy Thomas' super-secretary and an off-broadway playwright) and next time they will tell us of more bargains we can get with a complete set of Marvel Value Stamps. Mighty Marvel Mini-Checklist for comics now on sale! listed with a synopsis are Giant-Size Spider-Man #1, Giant-Size Man-Thing #1, Giant-Size Fantastic Four #2, Dracula Lives #7, (Tales of the) Zombie #6, Haunt of Horror #2 and Savage Tales #5. Also includes a small illustration of Deathlok from Astonishing Tales #25. Appears Ad for mail-order Drafting School. Between page 13 and 14 of the previous story.
  • Ads - 19 small ads, including 7 from people advertising comic books bought and sold. Between page 13 and 14 of the previous story.
  • Ads - 48 small ads. Between page 16 and 17 of the previous story.
  • Another Bombshell Marvel Bullpen Bulletins - Between page 17 and 18 of the previous story.
  • How To Fix Any Part of Any Car - Ad for auto repair books. Between page 17 and 18 of the previous story.
  • 3 Complete Fishing Outfits - Ad for 411 piece fishing equipment set on inside back cover.
  • Look Who's Smiling Now! - Back cover ad for mail-order university.